FREE Audio: What You Need To Know About Parenting And Divorce

Are you scared of what divorce will mean for your kids?

Worried you won't be able to co-parent with your STBX .....frightened your children's lives will be wrecked.....fearful your kids won't understand?

In This Audio, You'll Learn:

  • What harms children of divorce the most.
  • Why parenting after divorce shouldn't be about 50-50 shared time.
  • Why you must have a written parenting plan.
  • What you can do to make sure you have an excellent parenting plan.
  • The danger in letting your greatest fear guide your decisions.

We all want what's best for our children and fearing that they will be irreparably harmed by your divorce is natural. I understand what you're going through. I want to ease your mind by sharing the collective wisdom from my divorce work to show you that there ARE ways for you and your STBX to live apart and continue to be good parents, or even better parents.

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